Centre National de la Danse, Pantin

2009, Performance
Centre National de la Danse, Pantin - Vincent Thomasset

At the beginning a studio loan to the Centre National de la Danse (Pantin) which was the opportunity to work with Vanessa Le Mat. Having participated as an interpreter in his project entitled Walking Series in April 2008, we chose to extend this meeting. Very quickly, it seemed necessary to us to take advantage of this period of work to change roles: Vanessa will therefore contribute, this time, to deepen the issues in which my work is part of. After presenting different performances questioning the modes of representation, this work is part of the desire to integrate them: an audience seated in a frontal configuration, two performers evolving in front of it, giving to see gestures, movements, words. The work took place in intermediate areas: or how, through multiple constraints, to move interpreters away from systems (ways of speaking, moving, dancing) already known. Forcing us to operate through avoidance strategies, bypass attempts. What could be the moments when “not knowing” takes shape, detect where something is happening, the appearance of areas of emulation, transform them into a nerve centre. These tools make it possible to create a form that itself produces signs, a meaning that the spectator will interpret.

Avec Vanessa Le Mat, Vincent Thomasset